Saturday, September 13, 2008

We've Moved!

Meet our new home!

This is the reason that we haven't posted in a while. We moved on August 28th, and it was a very long, very hot day. We did move all of the large items and much of the smaller clutter, however. Since then, we've been going back and forth between the old home and the new home (which fortunately are about 1 minute apart, in the same neighborhood) to move the rest of our belongings. We never knew it was possible to have so much in cabinets and closets!

Jody's fall semester started on August 27th, and we have also kept busy with replacing the carpeting and countertops in the old house and hiring landscapers and fence builderes for the newe house. And then there's the little matter of the triplets' first birthday. We've never been busier, but we continue on our merry way and get a little bit done each day.

1 comment:

Maggie said...

Your new house is beautiful. Thanks for inviting us over the other day, hopefully we can plan the next playdate a little better. LOL