Saturday, September 13, 2008

A Birthday Around the Corner...

This past month has been action-packed for the boys. All three are now crawling; Ty started to crawl around the time we moved into our new home. Alex and Jacen have been pulling from sitting to standing for quite a while now, and Alex is very good at standing by himself for short periods of time. It won't be very long before these guys are walking!

Here are some pictures from this past month. There sure are plenty of cute ones!!

Ty is sporting some cool new specs...

Alex doesn't look particularly happy with his...

Jacen is reaching up to take his off!

Ty doesn't look thrilled about helping to fold the laundry, does he?

Alex loves his new push toy!

Here's Alex crawling happily around the new house...

Jacen's got places to go, and cool wheels to get him there...

Here's Ty on his wheels...

Rub-a-dub-dub, three men in a tub...

Here is the triplets' composite picture that Matt made for their first birthday announcements...

Babies in boxes!

Alex is trying to put the toy on top of his head like a hat...

Ty looks like he is begging for coins!

Jacen proudly sports a plastic bowl hat as well!


Stacie said...

Jody, I am continually amazed at how well the boys are doing! It is quite the testament to your parenting skills, you know. You totally rock. Much love to you, and...

Happy Birthday, boys! It is fun to be 1!

Maggie said...

Happy Birthday Guys! Hope your party went well and you didn't get rained out.