Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter on our Keasters

We had a wonderful Easter weekend! Rain was in the forecast, but it held off and it was actually quite warm. It was wonderful to romp with the boys!

We definitely know who the Easter ham in the family is now...lest you have any doubt, check out these shots.

All of the triplets loved their Easter cards!
Especially the Easter ham.

We believe in starting them out young in the Madeira household...

When you just can't decide what to carry with you...carry it all!

Easter egg hunting...

On Sunday, we celebrated Easter with the first annual Madeira Triplets Easter Egg Hunt. Dad hid the eggs, and afterward we all piled out onto the front lawn to hunt for brightly colored pieces of egg-shaped plastic. Note the look of profound competitive concentration and devilry...what side of the family could Alex possibly have gotten that from?

Ty is getting into it as well...YEAH! MY egg is in the basket too!

Ty is plotting "How do I get all the eggs BEFORE all my brothers?"

All three team up on the hunt with Grammy.

Jacen is sweetly making his way around the yard, oblivious to the competitive strategies of his brothers. Alex performs the ritualistic egg dance as Dad and Ty look on...

Ty looking angelic.

Alex and Grammy having a blast...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Another Post, Later Than Most!

Whoo! We are back in business with the camera at long last. Jody's computer was reloaded, and somehow the Canon camera software disk walked off to parts unknown. Imagine that. Needless to say, it was a while until we could upload photographs!

So much has happened since January. The boys are getting so big; well, all except Alex. Alex weighs 20 lbs. 11 oz., Ty weighs 23 lbs. 5 oz., and Jacen weighs 24 lbs. 6 oz. Though he may be the littlest, Alex is definitely the pestiest! He is always so mischievous, into everything. The boys really love their climber still and their wagon, and in addition have gotten into blocks and Fisher Price Little People playsets. Since it is spring, they also love going for walks and being outside!

The boys are also talking so much. Jacen is the biggest talker, and he says lots of things; his favorites are "up," "bottle," "more," "moo," "meow," "arf," "mama," "dada," "uck!" and "bye-bye." Alex is especially fond of "hi!," "dada" and "see." Ty specializes in "up" and "see" and making wonderful lovey noises when he gets hugs. All of the triplets love to say "book." It is such a joy to see them playing together and having fun!

Jody also got a book contract for her dissertation, which was one of her goals this year. It will be published through New York University Press and is due in by August 2010. It will be coming out in 2011. Exciting!

Here are some great pictures from the past few months...

We had only one really "big" snow this year of 7 inches or so. We couldn't wait to get the boys all dressed up in their snowsuits and outside. Their snowpants were so bulky that none of the boys could really stand up or walk that well, and they kept falling over, especially after their boots were on!

Here are all the boys with their snowsuits on...

No one is thrilled with the winter wonderland!
None of the boys really liked the snow, but Alex had the most dramatic reaction:

Jacen poses with his bib...

Ty is hiding out in the climber...

All of the boys have started to really get "into" the dogs. Jacen loves to tackle Orc, who really isn't too fond of that sort of behavior.
Ty has taken to riding all sorts of strange vehicles that he isn't supposed to...
The boys love to play together!

Ty takes his first steps back in January...

Some imps found Mommy's sweatshirt...

Two boys do not fit very well in the wagon at the same time!
The boys loved Valentine's Day, and really enjoyed the balloons and cards they received from all of their grandparents! A very drooly Jacen loved to drag the balloons around the house.

Ty LOVED his cards!

Another one of Ty's favorite rides...


We're entering the stage of silly things on heads...

Everyone loves books!

Ty adores pushing strollers now, which we discovered on one of the first very nice spring days...and Alex was happy to go along for the ride!

Ty perched on his favorite fire truck, again...