Sunday, March 9, 2008

Springtime is Coming...

...and the Madeira Triplets are almost 6 months old! We can't believe it.

This week my mom is in Florida and I am on Spring Break, so Matt and I are home with the boys. I know we promised to post more frequently, but when I was able to finish my article and get it out the door, it was time to work on a grant proposal. These are all good things, but they definitely keep you busy. So I intend to use this week to finally finish unpacking some of my things from the move in December (Matt's been unpacked for about 2 months now!). I blame my slow pace on the triplets...with babies that cute in the household, how can you do anything else?

We tried solids for the first time about three weeks ago. It didn't go too well. We made the mistake of trying to feed them solids first when actually what they wanted was a bottle. So next time we will feed them at least half a bottle and then see if they are willing to take a few bites of something else! But it did give us some good pictures. We are going to dress them up later this week when they turn six months (March 15th!) and take many more pictures then.

Here's Jacen giving Alex a squeeze...

Grandma Burkett getting ready to feed the triplets. Note: no mess as of yet! This is our triplet table. We decided that we couldn't stomach cleaning out three high chairs so many times a day. Ew...

Jacen looks a little mystified, and Alex (to his left) has decided this "solids" thing really isn't for him...

Now it's Jacen's turn to learn what this is all about...

No one really likes this experience, least of all Ty (all the way to the left).

This is what Ty has to say about the entire affair. I love this picture and I think it could cheer me up even on the baddest of bad days!!

The horror of attempting solids for the first time stuck with Ty, affecting him even after bath time...

Jacen has started to make a weird grunting sound and will "talk back" to us when we make the same sound! It's adorable. Here, he's learning to make this sound, and he's concentrating very hard...


Violet Twilight said...

Soo cute!!! Yeah definitely give them some food from a bottle first and than feed them the cereal. I have done this several times with Drake and he seems to enjoy the cereal this way.

Stacie said...

Man, Jody, the boys get cuter and cuter with each picture!

I just love the pictures of them eating their food. I hope they learn to like their solids soon. And take lots of pictures of them until they do!