Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Finally...A Party of 5! (Jacen comes home!)

At noon on October 9th Matt and Jody made their final trip to the NICU, to pick up Jacen. This time all three boys traveled in style in their triple decker stroller, which caused a lot of stares and comments. People would actually pull out their cell phone and make a phone call to tell someone else that they saw triplets! Matt and Jody know it's just because their boys are so darn cute.

Here's some pictures from the happy event...

Jacen's all ready to go, and bundled into his car seat...

Matt and Jody proudly stand by their trio in the deluxe triple decker (a.k.a. triplet limo...)

Here's Alex, in the front...

Ty in the middle...

And Jacen brings up the rear!

You can tell that all three are so excited to be home...


1 comment:

Glen Perrier said...


Some super lucky parents!!!!

Great looking kids you guys!!!